We pioneered the first electronic blood pressure monitors UA-100 Series and UA-200 Series for consumer use in early 1980's by employing the Korotokof sound method, followed in 1984 with the introduction of the UA-500 Series, the first oscillometric models for consumer use, as we realized the great potential for cost reduction with this method as the number of components were drastically reduced. Importantly, this gave ease of use to the consumer creating a greater spectrum of users.
Though we were far from perfection we recognized the popularity of the UA-500 models because of the ease of use and affordable prices (it was in the good old days when the automatic model was priced at around $100), however we encountered various problems as the units were distributed widely and rapidly through the world; more specifically they were subjected to all kinds people including the patients of different states of diseases, some cases of which were not conceived in the minds of the engineers. The return volume was no longer negligible and the demand suffered. These realizations led us to develop the second generation of the oscillometric algorithm, which inspired the UA-700 Series in 1986.
UA-787 |
The UA-701 and 731 born from the second generation oscillometric algorithm became extremely popular and sold like hot cakes, as the new oscillometric algorithm improved the accuracy of measurement, and as the price performance had come closer to the mechanical ones, which were still widely in use. The UA-700 Series had a number of breakthroughs in design, particularly in the design of the key components, thus it lasted much longer than we expected for a consumer product making it difficult for us to follow up with a new product that would be even better and cheaper. This fact had almost begun working against us compounded by the rapid evaluation of Yen.
Throughout the hardship we learned that there were certain segments of the population experiencing difficulties measuring blood pressures by the oscillometric method. People having irregular or very weak heartbeat posed some questions on measurement accuracies, if measured at all. Thus, though we had a reputation of having a low return rate, it was a known fact among the distribution that a tiny percentage of the population could not use the electronic blood pressure measurement devices, which prohibited the electronic ones to completely replace mechanical ones.
We continued collecting blood pressure measurement data of all segments of people including those who had failed measuring their blood pressure, which eventually lead us to introduce UA-777 with the third generation algorithm in 1993. We had then the database of the complete waveforms during the measurement over 1,000 people.
The one button operation and 3 line display along with the reliable measurement, that meant fewer people failed to measure that translated fewer returns, made this model very popular among the professional people. Out of this algorithm, or the third generation algorithm, came UA-767 and UA-702 in 1995 that recorded a landmark success as they were rated as top notch and best buy by the world-renowned consumer magazine in 1997.
Accurate measurement for all segments of people, sick or healthy, was a challenge. With the first generation the percentage of the immeasurable with accuracy may have been around 5%, then with the second generation it became 3% and with the third it became invisible. By this time we saw a number of followers and thus decided to develop yet another new oscillometric algorithm by utilizing the 20 years of our know-how of product design and understanding of the users demands, which resulted in the birth of UA-787 and IHB (Irregular Heart Beat). We also developed PFL, Personalized Fuzzy Logic and ECEVII, Electronic Control Exhaust Valve II, which have materialized measurement speed to respond to the state of a person, namely quick and comfortable measurement for a healthy person and careful search for waveforms with a person having weak pulse or irregularity in their blood pressure. This algorithm has made it possible for almost all people able to measure their blood pressure, and this fact opened the way to introducing a new concept of indicating a particular state of the heartbeat or "Irregular Heartbeat". While other units fail with some irregular heartbeat as if detecting artifact that is beyond the measurable limits, this UA-787 can measure correctly and thus tell a user of any irregularity detected in their heartbeat.
Our hearts beat regularly though it has a certain degree of variability in heartbeat rate. Heart Rate Variability itself is a subject of study in the medical community. Your heartbeat rate is not constant like a metronome but if it exceeds a certain degree of irregularity like skipping beats or congesting consecutive beats, it certainly means there is some thing you need to watch, especially when you continuously get irregularity of the heartbeat. The "IHB" or "Irregular Heartbeat", which we pioneered and incorporated with UA-787, is one totally new benefit we can bring to users.
Not only does IHB prove the superiority of our measurement technique but also provides a meaningful indication that no other products do in case your heart exhibits irregularity beyond the preset limits.
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