Professor Franz Halberg from the University of Minnesota visited Japan to speak at Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research meetings
Professor Franz Halberg, the father of Chronobiology, visited Japan from October 25th to November 8th with Dr. Othild Schwartzkopff and Dr. Germaine Cornelissen. They came having being invited to speak by Professor Kuniaki Otsuka, Chairperson of the Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research. |
Professor Halberg’s great efforts have led to the systemization of chronobiology under the headings of circadian rhythms, circaseptan rhythm etc. At 87 years of age, he continues to vigorously research the chronobiological field with Dr. Germaine Cornelissen at the Chronobiology Laboratories at the University of Minnesota. His lectures included details of the links between data collected from blood pressure monitoring, which he himself has collected over a period of 16 years, and the transannual rhythm of the solar wind cycle. Professor Halberg and Dr. Schwartzkopff are currently using A&D’s TM2421 and Dr. Cornelissen measures her blood pressure with A&D’s TM2430.
Professor Halberg speaking in Tosa town
in Kochi prefecture |
Professor Halberg speaking
in Urausu town in Hokkaido |
As well as lecturing at Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research meetings, Professor Halberg had a very busy schedule while in Japan and was shown around by Professor Otsuka. He visited both Kochi prefecture and Hokkaido and offered thought-provoking yet practical examples while lecturing on the complex topic of chronobiology. He compared ABPM to a prism and that in the same way a prism can separate white light into the full spectrum of colors, the blood pressure cycle in the body can be used to make invisible phenomenon such as geomagnetism and the solar wind visible. He explained that to achieve these results, it is necessary to gather at least a week’s data and he enthusiastically explained the educational benefits of understanding the workings of the body to junior and high school students as well as the benefits to preventative medicine that blood pressure measurement with ABPM`s can offer. |
Professor Otsuka who lectures at the Tokyo Women's Medical College is researching the links between Chronobiology and its application in the field and has suggested that Field Chronobiology become a new field of learning at the Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research.
We are interested in making this trip an annual visit with lectures to local residents based on the results of their physical exams. Professor Halberg expressed the importance of this data and explained that the continuation of this program of monitoring BP data on a weekly basis will help to identify risk factors, such as masked hypertension and morning hypertension.
Professor Kuniaki Otsuka |
Professor Franz Halberg, Dr. Othild Schwartzkopff, Dr. Germaine Cornelissen and Professor Otsuka participate in a rice cake throwing ceremony in Tosa town in Kochi |
(From left) Mr. Watanabe (A&D International Division), Dr. Watanabe (an associate of Professor Otsuka), Professor Halberg, Dr. Schwartzkopff, Dr. Norboo (Ladakh Institute of Prevention & Ladakh Heart Foundation),
Dr. Cornelissen and Professor Otsuka |